Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
How soon can I expect to see the value from Nimeyo?
Once deployed, Nimeyo delivers value instantaneously. Companies have vast amount of information already stored away in various forms and Nimeyo builds and trains itself using this information so that value is delivered on a very first day.
What data-sources does Nimeyo integrate with for analyzing content?
Nimeyo connects with following data-sources out-of-the-box to build the knowledge Graph:

  • Google for Work (Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sites, Google Groups)
  • Microsoft Office 365 (Email, SharePoint, Yammer)
  • On-premises Microsoft Exchange 2013 & 2016
  • Microsoft SharePoint 2010 & 2013
  • Salesforce Sales and Service Clouds
  • Box
  • Atlassian HipChat, Confluence, Jira
  • Slack
  • Zendesk

We are continually adding new data-sources as our customers request it, so do reach out to us if you are looking for a specific integration.
How does contextual information gets delivered to employees?
In-context information delivery is a critical aspect of Nimeyo solution. The solution proactively delivers relevant information in following tools:

  • Microsoft Outlook 2013 and 2016
  • Gmail
  • Slack
  • Salesforce
  • Salesforce Sales and Service Clouds
  • Mobile aware web interface
How does Nimeyo licensing work?
Nimeyo uses annual per user licensing. The baseline configuration begins at $180 per user annually for Email-only analysis and becomes more comprehensive as more data-sources are integrated.
Do you have a trial program?
Yes, Nimeyo allows 1-month trial of the solution for free. There are no restrictions on users or data-sources for the trial.
What deployment models does Nimeyo support?

Nimeyo supports both on-premises as well as cloud-hosted deployment. Following are some of ways our customers have deployed Nimeyo:

  • Nimeyo hosted (Amazon Web Services) cloud
  • Customer hosted private cloud (AWS, Rackspace)
  • On-premises on virtualized IT infrastructure
  • On-premises as a Docker Container

Depending on the size and stage of your company, Nimeyo can identify the most seamless way to deliver services to the employees.
Security & Privacy
Do you integrate with third-party identity management solutions for SSO?
Yes. Nimeyo can use customer's choice of login providers such as LDAP, MS Active Directory, Google for Work, Office 365 and Okta, among others.
What encryption policies will protect data as it is transferred, or when it is stored?
Nimeyo enforces following security policies:

  • Encryption in flight over HTTPS (SHA256RSA, 2048 bit encryption)
  • Encryption of data at rest (AES256)
  • Hosted on SOC1, SOC2, SOC3, ISO 27001 compliant data-centers
  • Email service account with SSL/TLS access only
Is a single-tenant hosting option available?
Yes. For cloud hosted deployments, Nimeyo allows single-tenant option that fully isolates code and data from other customers.
Does the product allow systematic backup and recovery plan?
Yes. Backups can be scheduled at a predictable frequency (daily/weekly/monthly) by the application administrator. Entire system can be re-generated from the backup.
Do you perform penetration testing?
Yes, Nimeyo performs penetration testing. We have number of customers who have independently performed penetration testing of the application and found application to be robust and compliant.
How soon do you remove the data from the system if customer no longer uses the service? Can I get the data back in some form?
We delete data of the customers who no longer use the services within seven (7) business days. Customers can also export critical information out of Nimeyo before termination of the service.